5 Tips For Perfecting Your Holiday Photos
1. Plan all outfits ahead of time and decide what mood you are going for.
I think this is the most important thing when it comes to creating those perfect holiday photos that you are so excited about. When it comes to outfits, first chose a color scheme you want to go with. You can easily do so by checking out a few Pinterest boards. Make sure you aren’t too matchy matchy but rather that the colors just flow together well. Once you’ve decided on each piece, lay everything next to each other to make sure it all looks great aesthetically. Once you’ve done this, have everyone try on their outfit ahead of time so you know if there is going to be any glitches. Sometimes things don’t fit the way you thought they would or just don’t look as good on as they did laid out.
2. Chose your location wisely
This is especially huge with kids. Sometimes you find beautiful locations but it takes an hour to get there. This is an absolute no-no. Pick somewhere that is close by so that the whole process goes quickly. Its too much to expect your kids to behave through a long car ride and then an hour + of pictures. No matter where you live, you can make the most of anywhere really. And wouldn’t you rather have happy kids versus a perfect background?
3. Bring things to keep it fun for the kids
If you don’t bribe your kids when taking pictures, well, you’re a better person than I am! To keep them happy and not bored of taking pictures, bring a couple of their favorite treats that you don’t let them have on a regular basis. Pick something small and not sticky so its not ruining their clothes while taking pictures. I’ve learned lollipops are a bad idea because the lollipop ends up being in all of our pictures or their mouth is stained from the color. It’s also a great idea to think of something that will make it fun for the kids! During this photoshoot we went down to the creek to “look for fairies” and Savannah was so excited to try and find some! It kept her mind occupied and less focused on the fact we were making her take photos!
4. Make sure you and your photographer are on the same page
I always think its a great idea to show your photographer what you are going for, so they can be best prepared for your shoot (whether it be a lense they use or editing options.) Once you have taken some photos, don’t be afraid to ask the photographer to show you some, just so you can see what they are looking like. Sometimes I’ll look at photos and hate the way I’m standing or what my hair is doing so seeing this early on and being able to fix it is a huge help!
5. Have a list of photos you want to capture
This goes along with everything I’ve already said in being prepared. I think the more prepared you are and ideas you have to work with your photographer, the better! I typically go on Pinterest and find a few shots I LOVE, and poses I want to mimic. As always, we end up making our own “poses” with those in between moments that I fall in love with, but its still helpful to make a list of pictures you really want captured.
Photography from Kent Avenue Photography
Comments (4)
November 1, 2017 at 10:52 am
love your photos! good tips x
[email protected]
November 4, 2017 at 12:31 pm
Thank you! Glad you found it helpful 🙂
November 3, 2017 at 12:05 am
Love your dress, where is it from?
[email protected]
November 4, 2017 at 12:30 pm
Thank you! I linked everything we are wearing in the scroll bar above. It’s the black dress in the scroll bar (but it comes in the color I’m wearing:) let me know if you need me to send you the link.
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