How To Throw The Best Gender Reveal Party
Here’s why it’s a fabulous idea:
- You can find out with your closest family and friends there to witness the excitement. Having the people closest to us there for this process really was so special to us and to them too. You also have tons of people there for the perfect photo opp…obviously a huge plus! haha kidding, sort of 😉
- There is so much more anticipation! Sitting in a doctors chair and hearing them say either “boy” or “girl” is exciting, don’t get me wrong. But having a box filled with balloons that you have NO IDEA what is in inside and having your friends count down as you cut open the box. Oh my gosh. I can’t even explain it.
There are so many awesome ways to do a gender reveal now. We chose to do the box of balloons because it seemed the most exciting to me, and my daughter has always been obsessed with balloons so it seemed like the perfect fit. I also saw an ombre cake on Pinterest that I loved though, so I went ahead and did that too because when you’re pregnant, making decisions is hard okay. 😉 I had the doctor write down on a piece of paper what the sex was, and had my husband deliver the box to our local party supply store and handed them the note and told them to fill it and seal it tight so that way absolutely no one knew! It was perfect. So for the reveal, I would definitely go for the WOW factor.
Here are my favorites:
Reveal Time – Newborn Baby Gender Reveal Color Smoke Fountains, Blue & Pink
Balloon box (you can make yourself)
As for the decorations, pink and blue everything of course. Me and my husband even wore the color we thought it would be. I was convinced we were having another girl but Jason said from day one he knew it was a boy…I thought we were supposed to have that motherly instinct that just “knows”? Apparently not because I was very wrong! Anyway, you can even have your guests dress the color they think too. I’ve included the pictures from our set up, most of the decor came from Hobby Lobby (such a great place to shop for party stuff…they have EVERYTHING) but also quite a bit of Etsy shops and some DIY of course.
I do my best to throw the best party I can, but not go overboard on the budget. If you have questions on where I got anything, feel free to reach out and I’ll do my best to help! Apologies for the picture quality, but this was before the iPhone 7 and before I had my Canon 🙂 Last but not least, cant forget the snacks and desserts. I’ve found cake pops are always a cute touch to any party but because I like things easy, I do a no bake peanut butter ball instead and dip it in the melted chocolate candy. It’s so easy and looks like you tried so hard 🙂
I hope you all enjoy the party tips and feel free to comment below if you have any amazing gender reveal ideas that you’ve seen!
Comments (4)
Kayla Davis
January 25, 2017 at 6:41 pm
Omg this was such a fun party and I agree that’s it’s much more fun than hearing it in the drs office! I’m so glad we got to experience the excitement too! (I too thought it was a girl, lol) and the peanut butter pops were bomb!!
Erin Williams
January 25, 2017 at 8:10 pm
So cute. You throw the best parties 💗💙
Jeff Jaye
January 25, 2017 at 10:30 pm
Yes but only 1 guy said it was going to be BLUE! And he was right
Marjorie Johnson
January 26, 2017 at 7:41 pm
Wow! Darling pictures. Good article. Imagine you will get a lot of enthusiasm from this💑
Sent from my iPhone
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